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I’m Tara Hembree

Certified Health Coach & Owner of Family Focused Health

I help you create a healthy lifestyle for your whole family.

Are You Pregnant?

If you’re currently pregnant, planning to get pregnant or recently had a baby (or babies!) I’d love to help you navigate this new world.

Are You a Parent?

Whether you’re a new parent or you’ve been at it for a while, creating (and implementing!) a healthy lifestyle in your home can be a challenge. I can help.

Helping You Achieve Health in Your Home

Creating a healthy lifestyle for your family doesn’t have to be a challenge.

Imagine a world where your children are focused, your whole family feels great after a family dinner and healthy living is a core value within your family. You’re not far off. Let’s make  this a reality for you and your family. 

Love the way you live

Enjoy the way you move

Challenge the way you think

Feel good with the way you eat

Pantry Reset

Not sure where to start? This is a great first step. I’ll come to your home and walk you through your current kitchen pantry. We’ll discuss Traffic Light Eating and learn what to look for on nutrition labels and ingredients. And we’ll end with a healthy and delicious grocery list. 

Smart Shopping Trip

Feeling overwhelmed at the store? Let me join you! For the Smart Shopping Trip, I’ll meet you at your grocery store and we will tackle healthy eating together!

Group Coaching

Gathering together with others that are in a similar boat as you, can be a great way to learn and challenge your current healthy lifestyle. During our group coaching, you’ll walk away with actionable steps to take to get your family headed toward a healthy lifestyle.

Individual Coaching

Not feeling a group setting? No worries. I’d love to coach you one on one. Individual Coaching is great for unique situations or for those wanting some extra accountability on their healthy lifestyle journey. 

What Is Heath Coaching?
Who is Health Coaching For?

I’m sure you have a lot of questions. And you should! I highly encourage you to ask questions before diving into something like coaching. I’ll try to answer the top questions for you here. If I missed one, don’t hesitiate to reach out. 

What is Health Coaching?

Health Coaching can show up in many forms. At Family Focused Health, I’ll meet you where you are on your health journey. We will set some goals and I’ll be by your side to help you accomplish your health goals for you and your family.

Who is Health Coaching for?

Health Coaching is for anyone wanting to live a healthy lifestyle and needing help getting there. Here at Family Focused Health, I specifically work with pregnant women and young families. 

Is Health Coaching expensive?

It depends. Yes, it does cost for us to work together. And yes, your grocery bill will most likely go up a bit. But living a healthy lifestyle can be very cost-effective in the long run!

Will we have to change our whole lifestyle?

It’s up to you! I will help you do more of the good you are already doing and less of the not so good. 

Will we become food snobs?

Maybe 🙂 You’ll start to notice the food that makes you feel good and the food that doesn’t.  It will become music to your ears when you hear your child say “we don’t eat that kind of food at my house.” 

About Me

Hello and welcome! I am so glad you are here.  I’m Tara. I’m a wife and mother that has been in your shoes.

I’ve always been an active person but it wasn’t until I was pregnant with my son that I began to really question the food I was putting into my body. I always felt I ate pretty decent because I rarely ate fast food and typically skipped the chip and cookie aisle at the store. If I ever felt I was putting on a few pounds, I would just exercise more. I would regularly say, “I like food, especially carbs, so I’d rather work out longer or harder than change my eating habits.” 

But when I was pregnant with my son and even more so after he was born, I became very motivated to create a healthier lifestyle for my family. Understanding the impact the food we eat has on our body and behavior has been life changing. I have a background in corporate training and love to coach and encourage people to be the best version of themselves, so it was a no brainer that being a health coach was what I was being called to do at this stage in my life. So I became a Certified Health Coach through the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute.


“I found Tara to be very encouraging when setting actions and goals throughout our group session. I also appreciated her ability to drive the conversation.” – Mandy A.

“Tara is very passionate about this content – she was very personable and engaged!” – Nina S.

“During our group session, Tara displayed positive energy and was great at inviting others to participate.” – Maria N.

Family Focused Health Blog

The Dirty Dozen

Here are the top 10 foods that should be bought organic.

5 Ways to Get Your Toddler to Enjoy a Healthy Smoothie

Struggling to get your toddler to eat their fruits and vegetables? Try these 5 tips to get your toddler to not only drink but enjoy a healthy smoothie!

Whether you want more information or you are ready to get started, let’s chat!

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